For users, u stands for user owner, g for group owner, and o for others. When permissions and users are represented by letters, that is called symbolic mode. The third set of permissions is generally referred to as "others." All Linux files belong to an owner and a group. The second set of permissions applies to the user group that owns the file. The first set of permissions applies to the owner of the file.

This string is actually an expression of three different sets of permissions: The interesting permissions from the vimrc listing are: rw-r-r– This article is about the permission settings on a file.

Linux system administration skills assessment.A guide to installing applications on Linux.Download RHEL 9 at no charge through the Red Hat Developer program.Skip to bottom of list Skip to the bottom of list For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8, and 9, the default filesystem format is XFS. Available attributes are dependent on the filesystem format that the files are stored on. There are other file types as well, but these two are the most common. The tuned listing is for a d, or directory, type file. The fields "File type" and "Extended attributes" are outside the scope of this article, but in the featured output above, the vimrc file is a normal file, which is file type - (that is, no special type). Here are the components of the vimrc listing: The first field of the ls -l output is a group of metadata that includes the permissions on each file. In this example, you see two different listings. The ls command along with its -l (for long listing) option will show you metadata about your Linux files, including the permissions set on the file. This article provides an overview of Linux file permissions, how they work, and how to change them.

They determine who can access files and directories on a system and how. File permissions are core to the security model used by Linux systems.